Saturday, June 21, 2008

Wake me up in San Francisco

I didn't mean to go this long without posting,
it's just that I had no idea...
no idea
how much time this move would take from us.

Brent said to me over lunch today,
well babe, I think we are officially strapped into this rollercoaster.
We bought our tickets months ago,
but right now, we are tick tick ticking up that first hill of the ride.

His analogy was dead on.
strapped in we are.
Today our moving truck came.
They loaded our furniture,
our boxes,
clothes, all of it.
and drove away into the sunset.

as i write this I am sitting in a folding metal chair that i found in the storage room
all that's left are a few things to go to storage.
I am basking in the quietness of a house with no tvs or radio.
the dogs keep running room to room confused by the lack of furniture,
and my Ellie,
my big fat lover of a cat left for her temporary new home.
Brent's brother Jonathan and his girlfriend Debbie
have graciously offered to care for her for us.
I feel like I'm leaving a family member behind,
but I know she'll be much happier with a new puppy to lick and a big backyard to explore.

I can't believe we're less than a week away.
it seemed so far away for so long.
I'm too tired to write something cute or imaginitive right now.
I'm barely able to write competent sentence.

I have been traveling so much for work
that trying to balance this big move,
the flights and workload of my job,
and all the other needs of life have just worn me out.

I wish I could sleep for a week.



Concerned Citizen of NYC said...

from experience, it's a scary and exhausting thing, but it's a wonderful thing. i've been here two weeks and love it. granted i don't have any of my belongings yet, but i love it nonetheless. can't wait until you're there.

Anonymous said...

Oh dearest Melissa...I completely relate to what you're going through right now. Wow, sharing a moving day I understand all too well every little detail you described. My world is in cardboard and I'm in full crunch mode. I can't wait to be in my new place. I'm so excited. And I'm excited for you too. It will all be worth it in the end.
